Cliff-hangers preserved: film in union education

Date Published: 27/10/2021 Category: Blog

Alice Garner In exciting news for union and cinema history, the National Film and Sound Archive recently digitised a series of mid-1970s training films produced by Film Australia for the Australian Trade Union Training Authority (TUTA). These engaging, realist snapshots of workplaces explore the thorny challenges that faced (and still face) union reps and officials,…

Talking about union education

Date Published: 07/10/2021 Category: Blog

––Alice Garner, Mary Leahy, Anthony Forsyth and Renee Burns We’re excited to announce that we will be holding a free online conference on 16-17 November 2021 to bring together union trainers who worked for the Trade Union Training Authority (1975-1996) and current-day educators, to explore the implications of several threads of significance that have emerged…

Mining for archival gold in Canberra

Date Published: 14/09/2021 Category: Blog

Alice Garner After having been locked out of all archival institutions throughout the CoVID closures of 2020-21, Renee Burns and I grabbed the chance when things opened up (briefly!) to travel to Canberra for a week in May. We consulted essential archives on TUTA, at the Noel Butlin Archives Centre at ANU and the National…