Film Australia

Catch-up time

Date Published: 17/05/2022 Category: Blog

Catch-up conference TV! If you missed our November sessions on trade union education, visit our conference page and take your pick from our introductory, education and film sessions for starters… with more to come.

Changes in the Office

Date Published: 17/12/2021 Category: Blog

Change is a constant… Have we learnt how to deal with rapid technological transformation yet? Check out the short film Changes in the Office (1976), which explored the impact of technological change on a typing pool.

Conversations brewing

Date Published: 15/11/2021 Category: Blog

The conference is nearly upon us. It’s not too late to register!

Cliff-hangers preserved: film in union education

Date Published: 27/10/2021 Category: Blog

Alice Garner In exciting news for union and cinema history, the National Film and Sound Archive recently digitised a series of mid-1970s training films produced by Film Australia for the Australian Trade Union Training Authority (TUTA). These engaging, realist snapshots of workplaces explore the thorny challenges that faced (and still face) union reps and officials,…